Article C - Sport Commission Rules and Regulations
Part 1: Badminton
1.1 Philosophy:
Coaches and teams should have access to Badminton BC Laws of Badminton.
1.2 League Format:
a. Junior Badminton - A league which will have weekly play days which will be followed by a TIE play down at
the end of the league. Winning team would have opportunity to compete in Valley Playoffs.
1.3 Registration: All teams must be registered with BC School Sports.
1.4 Playoff Format:
a. Junior League - Round robin tie arrangement.
b. Senior Valleys - Round robin tie arrangement,
1.5 General Regulations:
Home School:
a. Provides courts, nets and appropriate shuttles.
b. Badminton BC Laws of Badminton will be rules governing the sport except where BC School Sports
Part 2: Grade 8 Boys/Girls Basketball
2.1 Philosophy:
a. Everybody plays and “fun” is emphasized. Fitness and skill development are the main goals.
2.2 League Format:
a. The league will consist of a single round robin format with each team hosting and travelling as equally as
b. Games shall not begin before 4:00 pm unless required for scheduling or agreed upon by both teams.
c. Games will be 8 minute quarters, 5 minute half time (minimum) and 3 minute overtime periods.
d. Association referees shall officiate all games. Host school will pay the refereeing costs.
e. All games will follow FIBA rules with BC High School basketball modifications.
2.3 Registration:
a. All teams (including 2 or more from the same school) must be registered with the SOSAA President and
BC School Sports.
b. Schools with 2 registered teams must designate the players to a particular team. There shall be no
exchanging of players between the teams. Team lists may be requested by the Commissioner.
2.4 Play day / Playoff Format:
a. All schools will be eligible for the play day. Coaches shall agree upon the ranking of teams based on
league play. The first place team will be given the first opportunity to host the play day. Schools with
two teams may have a second team enter playoffs if needed to make eight teams (the second team will
come in as the lowest ranked team regardless of their league standings).
b. Association referees shall officiate all games. The costs will be paid equally by all teams participating in
the play day.
2.5 General Regulations:
a. Responsibilities of home school: provide a game ball (Baden Elite game ball is recommended, but a
Spalding Topflight 1000 or Wilson Evolution game ball is acceptable), provide a scorer, a timer and a
24/30 second-clock operator, and phone or email the game results to the Commissioner.
b. Each team shall travel with a set of warm up balls.
c. Defenses: No zone defenses are allowed (this is not an official rule” and is not enforced by officials, but
rather an accepted SOSAA league rule to encourage individual skills and fair play)
Part 3: Junior Boys/Girls Basketball
3.1 Philosophy:
a. This is a competitive league competing for berths to the O.V.S.A.A. Championships.
b. All coaches and athletes are expected to act in a manner consistent with the code of ethics outlined in the
B.C.S.S. Manual.
3.2 League Format:
a. The league will consist of a single round robin format with each team hosting and travelling as equally as
b. League standings will be kept by the league commissioner. It is the responsibility of the hosting coach to
email or call in the scores to the commissioner the day after the game. Failure to do so will result in a
forfeiture by the home team.
c. Games shall not begin before 4:00 pm unless required for scheduling or agreed upon by both teams.
d. Games will be 8 minute quarters, 5 minute half time (minimum) and 3 minute overtime periods.
e. Association referees shall officiate all games. Host school will pay the refereeing costs.
f. All games will follow FIBA rules with BC High School basketball modifications.
3.3 Registration:
a. All teams must be registered with BC School Sports.
b. Schools with 2 registered teams must designate the players to a particular team, with the purpose of
forming two teams. There shall be no exchanging of players between teams. Team lists may be
requested by the commissioner.
c. Only 1 team from a school can be involved in the playoffs
d. Schools that have 2 or more teams in a Jr. league will have its AD decide which team makes the playoffs
prior to the playoff start.
3.4 Playoff Format:
No games are to start before 4:00 pm unless agreed upon by all teams, the Commissioner, and the SOSAA
a. Top six teams from the league will qualify for playoffs.
1st Round to take place the 2nd Tuesday in February.
4th vs 5th @ # 4
3rd vs 6th @ # 3
The remainder of games will be played at the home of league #1 on the Thursday and Friday of the same
week unless agreed upon by all teams, the Commissioner, and the SOSAA President.
b. Backdoor challenges may occur if the team finishing in 3rd place team has not been beaten in the playoffs
by the team placing 2nd in the playoffs. If a challenge game is necessary it will be played on the Tuesday of
the next week at the 2nd place school (if this occurs on a long weekend the game may be played no later
than Wednesday).
i. It is the responsibility of the Athletic Directors, and the Commissioner, for ensuring all are aware of the
possibility of a challenge game.
ii. The challenge must be made within 24 hours of the last playoff game.
iii. The Athletic Directors, coaches, and the Commissioner must be informed no later than 9am of the first
day of school after the last playoff game to ensure location, players and officials are able to be
iv. The host team is responsible for all officials and scorekeepers for the game.
v. Both teams in the challenge match must be prepared to attend Valley Championships.
c. If there is a tie in the League standings the following procedure will be used to break the tie:
1. If two or more are tied the team who defeated the other teams will advance.
2. If a tie remains, then points for and against between tied teams will be used.
3. If a tie remains then points for and against between all teams shall be used.
4. If a tie remains then a coin toss shall be used.
e. Association referees shall officiate all playoff games. The cost of playoffs shall be shared equally among
all the teams in the playoffs.
f. The top 2 teams from the SOSAA playoffs shall represent South at the Valley Championship tournament
(usually on the 2nd last Friday and Saturday of February).
g. The host team for the Valley championship tournament is determined on a rotational basis as outlined in
the OVSAA constitution.
h. If a school is hosting both girls and boys then 2 games for the girls will be played Wednesday rather than
3.5 General Regulations:
a. Responsibilities of home school: provide a game ball (Baden Elite game ball is recommended, but a
Spalding Topflight 1000 or Wilson Evolution game ball is acceptable), provide a scorer, a timer and a
24/30 second-clock operator, and phone or email the game results to the Commissioner.
b. Each team shall travel with a set of warm up balls.
c. Any defense is allowed in the boys and girls league.
d. It is the coach's and Athletic Director's, responsibility to be aware of, and follow, Fair Play protocols
Part 4: Senior Boys/Girls Basketball (A/AA)
4.1 Philosophy: Competitive league
4.2 League Format:
Leagues for A/AA and Boys/Girls may change from year to year due to numbers of teams and competitive
natures. AA schools may compete in South/Central leagues from year to year. If there are enough teams A
teams will complete only against A teams and AA teams will only compete against AA teams. Commissioners
may need to be creative with league/playoff structures but should follow these guidelines:
a. Double round-robin (home and home) played on Wednesdays with exceptions made to adjust for games
that can be played after Jr. games at the host location.
b. “AA” league will count only results between “AA” schools for qualifying towards OVSAA and B.C.
Championships. “A” league will count only results between “A” schools for qualifying towards OVSAA and
B.C. Championship. South Zone league will count all games in standings for South Zone playoffs.
c. League structure needs to be agreed on by all coaches and the SOSAA President.
4.3 Registration: Through B.C.S.S.
4.4 Playoff Format:
“AA” and "A" Playoffs (separate playoffs to determine teams for OVSAA Championships)
a. Commissioner and coaches need to be in agreement on a playoff structure before the start of the season
b. South Zone Championships to be played between league #2 and #1 at #1 .
4.5 General regulations:
a. FIBA rules with BCHS modifications apply
b. All games are 4 - 10 minutes quarters with minimum 5 minutes for half.
c. Game times should start at 4:00 pm, but will vary depending on availability of gym time and officials
d. Qualified officials must be used for all games.
Part 5: Cross-Country Running
5.1 Philosophy: To introduce runners to the competitive nature of cross country running.
5.2 League Format: Weekly races hosted by the various schools participating in the season ( 3 - 5 races).
Races are usually held Tuesday or Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. and are 5-6 km long.
These races are open to grade 8, junior and senior runners (4 runners in a division make up a team).
5.3 Registration: Athletes must be registered with BCSS.
5.4 Playoff Format: All runners having run in at least two races during the season may run in the Valley
Championships held in late October. The Junior and Senior Events are separate but juniors may run in the
senior championships. Grade 8's are eligible to race for their school at the junior level.
5.5 General Regulations: Senior and Junior Valley Championships - Five runners make up a team, but schools
may enter as many runners as are eligible. The top five score. The top 20 individuals and top 3 teams
are eligible to run in the Provincial Championships.
Part 6: Curling
6.1 Philosophy: To encourage mass participation.
6.2 League Format: Schools can enter as many teams as they wish. The number of teams in the zone will
determine where the games will be played.
8 teams or under - equal schedule for home and away
10 to 12 teams - most games played at Penticton Curling rink because there are 6 sheets.
13 or more teams - schedule using two venues
Schedule may be constructed so that weaker teams will be playing weaker teams and stronger teams will
be playing stronger teams.
6.3 Registration: Only 1 boys and 1 girls team from each school can be registered with BC School Sports.
6.4 Playoff Format:
a. South Zones: One boys and one girls team from each school will compete in a double knockout bonspiel
to be held the first weekend in January. Two boys and two girls teams will represent the south zone. All
games are 10 ends.
b. Okanagan Zone: Double knockout bonspiel with one boys and one girls team representing the zone at
the provincials.
6.5 General Regulations:
a. Responsibility of schools to secure ice time at the local curling rinks.
Part 7: Grade 8 Field Hockey
7.1 Philosophy:
a. Introduction to the sport.
b. Participation / broad base of players
7.2 League Format: Dependent on the number of teams
7.3 Registration: With OVSAA (South Zone) and BC School Sports.
7.4 Playoff Format:
League final standings will be determined from league play.
End of season play day wind-up.
Play day has a 1 p.m. start time, with 25 minute straight games.
7.5 General Regulations:
Games: Games are 35 minutes in length.
Game times: 3:45 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.
4:25 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
5:05 p.m. - 5:40 p.m.
Part 8: Junior Field Hockey
8.1 Philosophy: Development of skills, fitness and life-long enjoyment.
8.2 League Format: Round Robin
Teams must be declared by the first Monday after Labour Day.
8.3 Registration: With OVSAA (South Zone) and BC School Sports.
8.4 layoff Format:
Game 1 League 1 vs League 4
Game 2 League 2 vs League 3
Game 3 Winner Game 1 vs Winner Game 2 (First/Second)
Game 4 Loser Game 1 vs Loser Game 2 (Third/Fourth)
8.5 General Regulations:
League: 2 x 25 minute halves
5 minute 1/2 time
Ties are broken only in Playoffs.
Part 9: Grade 8 Rugby
9.1 Philosophy:
Everybody plays. “Fun” is emphasized. Fitness is key.
9.2 League Format:
Double round robin - home and away - with the weekly bye picking up a
match. (League play commences with a tourney)
9.3 Registration: All players are registered with the BCSS. the Commissioner, and the B.C.R.U.
9.4 Playoff Format: Tournament style - straight round robin to determine champs.
9.5 General Regulations:
13 a side rugby is played.
The referee’s decision is final.
All players must wear a mouth guard.
No kicking outside of the 22 meter line.
Scrum halves to wait at line of scrimmage during sets (to allow for the ball to be played).
Only 1.0 meter push allowed in sets by either side.
No high tackles, swearing or fighting.
Part 10: Junior Rugby
10.1 Philosophy: A competitive league which leads to OVSAA championships. Skill development, fitness and
fun are still emphasized.
10.2 League Format: Double Round Robin format. Season of play is from March until the end of May, one
match per week.
10.3 Registration: Must register through B.C.S.S.
10.4 Playoff Format: All schools will qualify for zone play-offs. Draw to be determined by commissioner
based on the number of teams in the league (the Valley Championships are usually played in Kelowna).
10.5 General Regulations:
Rugby Union rules - school version.
Full strip to include shirt, shorts and socks.
Mouth guards to be worn by all players.
1 meter push in set scrums.
No charge (cavalry style) from penalties.
15 players a-side.
Part 11: Senior Boys / Girls Soccer
11.1 Philosophy: Competitive league with cross tiers.
11.2 League Format: Leagues for A/AA and Boys/Girls may change from year to year due to numbers of teams
and competitive natures. AA schools may compete in South/Central leagues from year to year. If there are
enough teams A teams will complete only against A teams and AA teams will only compete against AA
teams. Commissioners may need to be creative with league/playoff structures but should follow these
Double round-robin (home and home) played on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
“AA” league will count only results between “AA” schools for qualifying towards OVSAA and B.C.
Championships. “A” league will count only results between “A” schools for qualifying towards OVSAA and
B.C. Championship. South Zone league will count all games in standings.
11.3 Registration: Through B.C.S.S.
11.4 Playoff Format:
“AA” and "A" Playoffs (separate playoffs to determine teams for OVSAA Championships)
a. Game #1 played on last Tuesday of Oct at #2, 3:30 start.
b. Game #2 played on last Thursday of Oct. at #1, 3:30 start.
c. South Zone League Championships to be played between league #2 and #1 at #1 on first Tuesday of
November at 3:30.
11.5 General regulations:
Host school to provide referee and linesmen, as well as goal nets and flags for the pitch. Unlimited subs
with no subs except for injuries during last 5 minutes of the game. A player receiving a red card must sit
out the next league/playoff game. BC Soccer rules apply.
Part 12: Tennis
12.1 Philosophy: To develop skills in tennis which will enable students to play in a structured league format.
12.2 League Format:
a. Junior High - League is made up from any school in the south zone. The league format is non-competitive.
b. Senior High - Any team in south zone is eligible. League is usually Valley wide.
12.3 Registration: With BCSS.
a. Junior High - contact SOSAA Commission.
b. Senior High - apply to OVSAA Commissioner.
12.4 Playoff Format:
a. Junior - All teams participate in the playoffs (Round Robin). Top 2 teams playoff for the South Zone title.
No valley playoffs.
b. Senior - Valley playoff format decided by Valley Commission.
Part 13: Track and Field
13.1 Philosophy:
Grade 8 inclusion of all athletes to explore all event areas
Grade 9/10/Sr. to move toward specialization and develop technique.
13.2 League Format:
a. Each school to put forth a team of athletes - must be accompanied by a coach(es).
b. Set up clinics in April for track/field events. Practice meets late April to include all south zone schools.
c. Athletes may qualify for Valleys through Valley competitions.
13.3 Registration: With BCSS
a. Team lists to BC Athletics by April 30 at latest.
b. School coaches to let Commissioner know it they plan to participate by coaches’ scheduling meeting.
13.4 Playoff Format:
a. Athletes must attend at least one practice meet and clinic to be eligible to participate in Valleys.
b. Coaches must contact Valley Commissioner to inform them of competitors and events (coaches and
Athletic Directors need to be aware of dates, locations, and deadlines of events)
c. School coaches must ensure Sr. Valley qualifiers are registered and are serious about attending BC High
School Championship (day of meet).
13.5 General Regulations:
Athletes must make a qualifying standard (to be set) for grades 9 to 12. This is important for Sr. and Jr.
athletes trying to qualify for B.C. High Schools. Rules and Regulations will be sent out in March to all
There are Sr. and Jr. BCSS Provincial Championships.
Part 14: Junior Boys/Girls Volleyball
14.1 Philosophy: To have teams in a competitive league in order to prepare them for Valley
Championships and invitational provincials.
14.2 League Format: The league format will be adjusted depending on the number of teams.
a. Presently 4 teams play a round robin at a given site. The last match that teams play during the league
counts towards league standings.
b. Games shall not begin before 4:00 pm unless required for scheduling or agreed upon by both teams.
14.3 Registration:
a. All teams must be registered with B.C. School Sports.
b. Schools with 2 registered teams must designate the players to a particular team, with the purpose of
forming two teams. There shall be no exchanging of players between teams. Team lists may be
requested by the commissioner.
c. Only 1 team from a school can be involved in the playoffs
d. Schools that have 2 or more teams in a Jr. league will have its AD decide which team makes the playoffs
prior to the playoff start.
14.4 Playoff Format:
a. 1st place teams hosts.
b. 1st - 6th make playoffs (when available). Games should be the Thursday or Friday after the league
schedule is complete and a week before Valley Championships.
c. Top two teams qualify for OVSAA Championships
d. Backdoor challenges may occur if the team finishing in 3rd place team has not been beaten in the playoffs
by the team placing 2nd in the playoffs. If a challenge game is necessary it will be played on the Tuesday of
the next week at the 2nd place school (if this occurs on a long weekend the game may be played no later
than Wednesday).
i. It is the responsibility of the Athletic Directors, and the Commissioner, for ensuring all are aware of the
possibility of a challenge game.
ii. The challenge must be made within 24 hours of the last playoff game.
iii. The Athletic Directors, coaches, and the Commissioner must be informed no later than 9am of the first
day of school after the last playoff game to ensure location, players and officials are able to be
iv. The host team is responsible for all officials and scorekeepers for the game.
v. Both teams in the challenge match must be prepared to attend Valley Championships.
14.5 General Regulations:
a. Responsibilities of home school:
i. Game balls
ii. ”Qualified officials” (where possible)
iii. Forward the game results to the Commissioner
b. CVA rules in effect.
c. All matches are best of 3
Part 15: Senior Girls “A” Volleyball
15.1 Philosophy: All coaches and sponsors should have their own copy of the current volleyball handbook and
be knowledgeable of the policies and rules within.
15.2 League Format:
a. League will consist of a single round robin format within each team hosting and travelling as equally as
b. Matches will be best of 3 governed by the official CVA rules for the current year.
c. League standings to be kept by the league commissioner. It is the responsibility of the hosting coaches to
forward the scores to the Commissioner by the next day.
15.3 Registration: All teams must be registered with B.C.S.S.
15.4 Playoff Format:
a. Round robin tournament between all teams.
b. First place in league has right to host.
c. Playoffs are a best of 3 match.
d. Carded officials shall officiate all playoff games.
e. The top two teams from SOSAA shall represent the South Okanagan at the Valley Championships.
15.5 General Regulations:
a. Responsibilities of home school:
i. Provide referees, umpires, linesman, and scorers.
ii. Forward game results to Commissioner.
Part 16: Ultimate
16.1 Philosophy: to introduce the sport of Ultimate and lead to Valley and Provincials Championships
16.2 League Format: League will consist of all teams registered with BCSS
Ultimate is still a new sport and Regulations for league structures will be flexible with coordination between
coaches, Commissioners, Athletic Directors and the SOSAA President.
16.3 Registration: with BCSS
16.4 Playoff Format: All teams registered are eligible for Playoffs.
Playoff structure may be dependent upon OVSAA and Provincial berths and may be based on school size.
16.6 General Regulations:
a. Round robin tournament between all teams.
b. First place in league has right to host.
c. BC Ultimate Rules in effect.
d. Responsibilities of home school include:
i. Provide appropriate location and field marking.
ii. Provide a BC Ultimate game disc.
e. Teams are expected to have home/away uniforms for all matches.