Article E - Student Officials


Part 1: Student Officials

1.1 From time to time it is necessary to use student officials especially when qualified officials are not available.

If a student official is used coaches, or Athletic directors, need to contact the other team so everyone is

aware. It is expected that:

a. Student officials will not be used for Sr. games/sports unless they are qualified and everyone is aware.

b. All expectations for officials and conduct of coaches, players, etc. are in full force.

c. Student officials are used primarily for beginning teams and lower age levels.

d. The student official is aware of the rules and regulations of the game.

1.2 Student officials must be well prepared and supported.

1.3 If necessary, the coach and sponsor should help officials by taking them aside at the intermission or (if need

be) during a stoppage in play specifically to correct an error that is being made by the officials or to prevent

incidents from getting out of hand. If play is stopped to do this, coaches and sponsors from both teams

should be involved.

1.4 After each game the coach or sponsor should give the student official a constructive evaluation of the job
